Matthew Henry Quotes

Text Quotes
Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Days of trouble must be days of prayer (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It is better to take time to consider, than find time to repent (Matthew Henry Quotes)
To fish in troubled waters (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Our creature comforts (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Men of polite learning and a liberal education (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Brotherly love is the badge of Christ’s disciples (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Earth is embittered to us, that heaven may be endeared (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God’s favour is happiness (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Better late than never (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Love is the root; obedience is the fruit (Matthew Henry Quotes)
He rolls it under his tongue as a sweet morsel (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It is not talking but walking that will bring us to heaven (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Not lost, but gone before (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Saying and doing are two things (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The better day, the worse deed (Matthew Henry Quotes)
They that die by famine die by inches (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those that go gold into the furnace will come out no worse (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Blushing is the colour of virtue (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those that are above business (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Do nothing till thou hast well considered the end of it (Matthew Henry Quotes)
All this and heaven too (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Every tear of sorrow sown by the righteous springs up a pearl (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Nature is content with little; grace with less; but lust with nothing (Matthew Henry Quotes)
None live so easily, so pleasantly, as those that live by faith (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The riches we impart are the only wealth we shall always retain (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Christ is our temple, in whom by faith all believers meet (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God’s promises are to be our pleas in prayer (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Prayer is the midwife of mercy, that helps to bring it forth (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day (Matthew Henry Quotes)